In 1974, Joane Goulding developed the Goulding Method, a proven safe method that promotes emotional intelligence, loving attachment, and acceptance for future generations.
With qualifications in Psycho-nutrition, Training, Assessment and Education, Supervision, and Clinical Hypnotherapy, Joane is an engaging and passionate professional psychotherapist and speaker. She has travelled extensively around the world, sharing her knowledge at international conferences and training professional consultants and trainers.
Now retired from international training, she is currently a Consultant to the Hypnotherapy Council of Australia (HCA) and is recognized as one of Australia’s experts. Joane is also the sponsor of the Goulding Method Consultants International Register.
Hypnotherapy Australia deregulation history
The Goulding Method, a professional consulting modality about teaching parents how to help their children to build confidence and emotional resilience, has been professionally recognized by national and international associations and training bodies such as the Australian Association of Clinical Hypnotherapists and Psychotherapists (AACHP), the International Goulding Method Association (IGMA), the world-wide Hypnobirthing Association, the International Hypnosis Federation (IHF), the Guild of Australian Hypnotherapists (GoAH), and the Australian Hypnotherapists’ Association (AHA).
Graduates of the accredited program have been assessed as competent professionals, and their qualifications are recognized by numerous worldwide organizations.
Keynote Speaker
Joane has been a Keynote Speaker both nationally and internationally. She has presented and published numerous papers, articles and authored many accredited training courses. She is accredited in Training and Assessment strategies, and for many years an Orthomolecular specialist and author of the published paper: The use of the Hoffer and Osmond Diagnostic Test (HOD) in Hypnosis. Published: The Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine, Vol. 1, No. 1, (October 1986)